Blog Post

Recruitment and the Workplace in 2023

Employee Engagement
6 min

Just like that, we come to the end of another year. 2022 has been an incredible year for LCR, and we are grateful to have worked with some fantastic clients and candidates from across the globe – many of whom we look forward to continuing to work with in 2023.

If you are attending the Fruit Logistica in Berlin in February, please let us know. As always, we want to meet you in person if we can, and events like this provide a great opportunity to do so.

New trends for 2023

As we look back at what we have learnt in 2022, we also look ahead to how this will shape recruitment and the workplace in 2023…

Flexible working

While remote working is still important to candidates, it’s more about flexible working. We have found that people are happy to go into the office but want the flexibility to work from home occasionally, as well as flexible working hours.

This can be quite difficult in fresh produce and many companies struggle to adapt as it’s often imperative to have teams together on a daily basis due to the nature of the job. However, we have seen large fresh produce growers slowly move more towards a hybrid/flexible working pattern. Although we understand it’s a big change, small steps can be taken to get there.

Strong employer branding

Thanks to social media marketing, it has become easier to get your company name out into the market. We’ve found that companies with a strong employer brand across social media find it easier to recruit, as candidates are already familiar with the great working environment, high-quality products and strong reputation.

If you aren’t already, we recommend making social media marketing a priority for your business in 2023. It is something that can be self-taught or carried out in-house but it can also be outsourced to freelancers and/or marketing agencies. Try not to only post about your produce. Instead, talk about your team, what you have been up to recently, and give people an insight into your company. To be successful in recruitment, you need to turn to marketing strategies to draw applicants in.

Embracing new technologies

With GenZ coming of age and entering the world of work, you must get on board with their ways of working.

GenZ is a new generation altogether and whilst you might feel frustrated that their expectations are very different from our own, it is important to adapt and move with the times. Make the most of the new skills and knowledge they bring to the table and use them to benefit your business.

When it comes to recruiting, outdated models can be a turn-off for GenZ, so if your company is not prepared to embrace new technologies, you may fall behind with the new generation.

Make 2023 your year. To help strengthen your recruitment and talent acquisition processes, get in touch with a fresh produce recruiter at LCR International ltd by contacting us at
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