Business Development
8 min

Placement of a Senior Commercial Manager

June 25, 2024
Client: JN Fox & Sons UK, a leader in importing, selecting, ripening, and delivering the best quality bananas to the UK
Position: Senior Commercial Manager
Location: UK
Model: Retained
  • Limited talent pool
  • Low candidate response
  • Specific industry experience


JN Fox & Sons required a Senior Commercial Manager to revitalise their business after Covid-19. The recruitment was challenging due to low candidate response rates and a limited talent pool fitting the criteria. Despite these challenges, LCR's strategic approach yielded a surprisingly high response, allowing us to present top-quality candidates for JN Fox. In this case study, we will describe the assignment, the solution, and the result of our search process.

The Assignment

JN Fox & Sons need was clear and urgent, they want to recover and grow their business in the food service sector post-Covid by securing a high-quality candidate. This individual needed a strong background in selling fruit to food service and convenience retail stores across the UK and a proven track record of winning new business. The search presented unique challenges, particularly in finding candidates with specific experience in working with convenience retailers within the produce sector. Adhering to the usual search process, we navigated these challenges to identify and secure the ideal candidate to drive the client's business success.

The Solution

In addressing the client's need for a high-quality candidate to expand their business in the food service sector, our company adopted a comprehensive and strategic search process. Utilising our extensive network, we requested referrals and offered a referral bonus, which proved highly effective in identifying potential candidates. We engaged candidates we already knew and implemented a full headhunt approach to ensure a thorough search. Despite the high volume of interest, which extended the candidate assessment period, our meticulous approach allowed us to evaluate all applicants and meet the deadline, ultimately securing the ideal candidate for the client's needs.

The Result

The search process concluded successfully with the identification of a highly suited candidate, who received an offer after just one stage. Our search yielded several highly qualified candidates, who made a strong impression on the client. Notably, we achieved a high level of response from a small talent pool, thanks to our precise messaging and diligent follow-up with potential candidates. The client benefited significantly from our exclusive retained search services, as we were able to deliver highly qualified, thoroughly assessed, and genuinely interested candidates within a short timeframe, effectively meeting their urgent business needs.

Timeline (LCR guided the process to offer acceptance within 8 weeks)

Week 01 -> Briefing session | Comprehensive search

Week 02 to 05 -> Proactively approaching the potential candidate pool | LCR - Interview & Assessed

Week 06 -> Candidate shortlist presented to the client

Week 08 -> 1st stage interviews | Offer made | Offer accepted

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