Business Development
7 min

Placement of a Development Manager

March 22, 2024
Client: Olympic Fruit, a leading Dutch Importer and Exporter of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Position: Development Manager
Location: South Africa
Model: Speculative CV / Contingent Search
  • Specific experience required
  • Right level of experience
  • Cultural fit

The Assignment

Olympic Fruit aimed to proactively understand the motivations of both suppliers and customers rather than relying on assumptions. Their priorities extended beyond increasing product volume. With an existing network of citrus suppliers in South Africa, Olympic Fruit saw an opportunity to cultivate stronger relationships within the local supplier community.

The ideal candidate for the Development Manager position should  possess skills in partnership relationship management, the ability to broaden the partner network in South Africa, fostering better collaboration between suppliers and customers, and conduct market analysis to determine future supply needs and identify suitable partners.

The Solution

Our goal was to find candidates with experience in selling to growers across South Africa, as they would have the connections to facilitate sourcing from local growers for Olympic Fruit. This strategic approach was important in ensuring a supplier base for sales to their European customers.

Whilst LCR adopted a broad approach, targeting talented sourcing professionals with citrus industry experience based in South Africa, LCR has recognised one of the candidates whom we had interviewed internally. Based on the candidate’s diverse experience, LCR decided to send his CV speculatively to Olympic Fruit.

The Result

Throughout the processes, LCR maintained open communication with Olympic Fruit and the candidate. This ensured transparency regarding role expectations and acknowledging the candidate’s significant transition after his remarkable 18 years of employment with his former employer.

After spending a few days with the Olympic Fruit team, they noticed that the candidate possesses exceptional skills and experience and was a great cultural fit. Consequently, they decided to offer him the position and he gladly accepted.

Timeline (Client Schedule - 16 weeks from introduction to offer)

Week 01 -> Candidate profile introduced

Week 02 -> Olympic Fruit came back with interest

Week 05 -> 1st stage interview

Week 10 -> 2nd stage interview

Week 15 -> 3rd stage interview - the candidate flew over to the Netherlands to attend the offices and meet the team in person

Week 16 -> Offer made by Olympic Food Group

Week 17 -> Offer accepted and signed by the candidate

Week 21 -> The candidate started with Olympic Food Group

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